3tbsps.3 tablespoons blanched sliced almonds or coconut
Caramel Topping:
4ouncesGranulated white sugar
2.64ouncesheavy cream
Thaw pastry sheet at room temperature for 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
Caramel Topping.
Pour water in a deep heavy-bottomed stainless-steel saucepan. Add the sugar and whish lightly with a fork. Heat mixture over medium heat. Do not stir the mixture until the sugar dissolves completely. As the sugar melts it will begin to caramelize. It will have a honey colour. Swirl the pan to redistribute the liquid. Remove from the heat and quickly and carefully add the heavy cream. Remove and place in a heat-resistant container.
Unfold pastry sheet on lightly floured surface. Roll into 14x10-inch rectangle. Cut out 12 hearts, using a 3 ½= inch heart-shaped cookie cutter. Place on baking sheet. Brush with caramel topping and sprinkle with almonds.
Bake 10 minutes or until golden. Remove from baking sheet and cool on wire rack.