In a large bowl, mix the flour, baking powder and salt. Add 1 1/8 cups water all at once and mix into a soft dough.
Add more water if necessary. Knead dough (folding and sealing until smooth). Cover with a damp cloth and leave to rest for ½ hour.
Knead once and divide into 8 balls (loyah). Allow to relax for 15 minutes.
Then shape the balls into a circle 4" in diameter. Spread butter or oil on top the first circle and top it with another.
On a floured board or clean counter roll out the two roti together with a rolling pin.
Lightly grease a hot baking stone or tawah. Then place the rolled out dough on the tawah until it is cooked on one side.
Turn over and cook the other side. Remove and place on a clean towel. Insert knife between the two layers and separate to allow the steam out. Keep warm in a clean towel.