Hands up – To be held at gunpoint
Harden- Disobedient, stubborn, hard headed, someone who does listen or learn
Hambug (or Humbug) – To pester or bother someone
Happy like pappy – Overjoyed
Hard Back – Grown up and one who should know better
Hard Back Indian – Person of East Indian ethnicity, who grew up in the hard way of life, usually tough.
Harden- Disobedient.
Hasecara – Trouble or confusion, e.g.To make hasecara.
Hen – An effeminate man
Hi-Lo – Local supermarket chain
Hole strain – Wait a while, hold on a while, e.g. “Doh be so impatient, hole strain”
Horrors – Fretting, e.g Doh ketch no horrors, doh dig no horrors, don’t fret yourself.
Hoso – Anteater
Honest truth – The truth e.g. Well gyul, to tell yuh de hones’ truth, Ah eh buy de gif’ yet
Hototo (hotoetoe) – A very large amount of anything
How de la vie? – How is life? , how yuh goin’?
How yuh mean? – You don’t say?
Horn – Adultery, when the one you love has an affair with someone else. Usage:
Horner Man- Horner Woman– The person who does the horning
Head Hot – Very busy with things that have to be done immediately, plenty of worries and pressing matters, e.g. Doh talk to meh, meh head hot right now
Howdy or howdee – Hi, hello
Huggish ( Hoggish) – Rude, crude, mean behaviorABCDEFGIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ