Maco – An inquisitive person, minding other people’s business
Macocious – A person having the trait of a maco
Macoumeh (mah-koo-meh) – Female godparent (see compere)
Macafouchette- Food from the day before
Mad House – The lunatic asylum, usually referring to St. Ann Psychiatric Hospital
Maga (or mager) – Thin and frail, skinny
Mama Dlo or Mama Dglo – (Folklore figure) mother of the water http://www.triniview.com/TnT/Folklore.htm
Making style- Showing off, e.g. She makin’ style wid she new boyfriend.
Malkadee – To catch a fit or epileptic seizure: e.g.”Yuh ketching malkadee wat?”
Mal Yeux or mal deux- (Patois) Bad eye, evil eye, spell cast by someone to cause illness or discomfort or bad luck
Mamaguy- Sarcasm, to fool somebody with smart talk, to ridicule, false praise, overdone compliment; e.g. “Yuh new purple hair colour look nice, nice”.
Mama Poule – A weakling, someone who can be taken advantage of
Mama Yo! – Expression denoting shock and surprise.
Mammee apple – Mammee apple Mammea americana
Mamey Sipote – Mamey Sapote Pouteria sapota http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mamey_sapote
Mannish – Showing adult mannerisms
- How he get on mannish so? – How this little boy acts as if he is an adult?
Man – Added to the end of any sentence for emphasis, e.g. Dat real good man.
Manimah – extravagant things or clothing
Manzan – Short for Manzanilla, a much frequented beach on the eastern coast of Trinidad
Maracas – Maracas Bay, one of the most beautiful beaches found on the northern coast of Trinidad, high waves, great scenery.
Mas – Carnival
Matter fix – Everything is well organized
Mauby – A refreshing drink made from the Mauby bark; known for its bitter sweet taste
Meh hand slip – An expression used when too much of an ingredient is used
Mauvais langue – (Patois) Bad talk, gossip, ill speak of someone you pretend to be friends with.
Mih han’ slip – An expression used when too much of an ingredient is used
Mirasmie -(Marasme) Sickly looking.
Mista – Mister, Gentleman, Sir
Moco Jumbie – Very tall ghost, spirit; usually portrayed by a costumed man on stilts Mooma – Mother
More worse – (Superlative) T’ings could ah get more worse dan dat
Morish – Something tasty that leads you to eat more
Mou Mou- A person not too smart
Mountain Dew- Illegally distilled alcohol
Mooma – Mother
Mosquito drumstick -Very thin legs
Mout’er – A boaster
Mout Big- Talkative
Much up – To pamper, to butter up