Here is another roulade, beef roulade. They say if it’s nice do it twice …and twice we did. Since the last post, we had such a blast doing the Trini Chicken Roulade we decided to try out a roulade using beef this time. Beef lends itself beautifully to this recipe because you can cut the beef into 1/4″ thick slices that roll easily and cooks through easily. Might I say eats easily too! You see, the thickness (or thinness) of the slices allow it to cook quickly in the oven and the juices get infused into the filling …or is it the filling that gets infused? Hmmmm!
Anyhow, more twists were added to this recipe. What did we do? Well, this time Poi Bhaji was used instead of the amaranth spinach and we mixed the cheeses opting for some Parmesan cheese and some “Trini” cheese (Yes, the one from New Zealand that we “Christen” as we own lol!!)
The Beef Roulade Filling
Now, we just used cheese and some sort of “vegetable” as the filling for the roulade, but there are different variations that could be done if I had the time to experiment and do more with this simple recipe. But, do I really have the time these days? Not really. Recipes are starting to pile up again and I want to post them all and also do a few requests that have been on my long list of recipes still to do. More on that later.
So, are you ready to try this innovative but simple recipe? Let’s cook…
Here’s Trini Beef Roulade Recipe.
1 lb beef, seasoned and marinated
3 oz parmesan cheese, grated
1 tbsp. low fat milk
1 small egg
1 1/4 cup panko bread crumbs
1 tsp. each paprika, parsley, thyme, oregano
2 tsp. grated garlic
20-25 spinach leaves (Poi)
1/2 cup flour
Slice the beef thinly then season and marinate at least 3 hours.
Grate the cheese and set aside
Place the beef on plastic wrap, fold and cover with the plastic wrap and pound the beef flat .
Add the cheese
…then the poi leaves.
Fold and tightly roll. Wrap tightly with the plastic and refrigerate for 1 hour
Note: Because the beef is more manageable we can skip adding the tooth picks.
Add the paprika, parsley, thyme, oregano to the flour. Mix.
Roll the beef in the flour…
Dip in the egg and milk mixture then roll in the breadcrumbs.
Preheat the oven for 10 minutes at about 180 degrees Celsius ( 356 degrees F ).
Place the beef roulades on a greased baking tray and bake for about 30 minutes.
Allow to cool. Cut into 1″ thick rolls.
Place cutlets on a serving plate and serve.
Note: The cutlets may be served with any of your favorite sauces to add extra flavour.

Trini Beef Roulade
- 1 lb beef seasoned and marinated
- 3 oz parmesan cheese grated
- 1 tbsp. low fat milk
- 1 small egg
- 1 1/4 cup panko bread crumbs
- 1 tsp. each paprika parsley, thyme, oregano
- 2 tsp. grated garlic
- 20-25 spinach leaves Poi
- 1/2 cup flour
- Slice the beef thinly then season and marinate at least 3 hours. Grate the cheese and set aside
- Place the beef on plastic wrap, fold and cover with the plastic wrap and pound the beef flat .
- Add the cheese then the poi leaves. Fold and tightly roll. Wrap tightly with the plastic and refrigerate for 1 hour. Note: Because the beef is more manageable we can skip adding the tooth picks.
- Add the paprika, parsley, thyme, oregano to the flour. Mix. Roll the beef in the flour dip in the egg and milk mixture then roll in the breadcrumbs.
- Preheat the oven for 10 minutes at about 180 degrees Celsius ( 356 degrees F ). Place the beef roulades on a greased baking tray and bake for about 30 minutes.
- Allow to cool. Cut into 1″ thick rolls. Place cutlets on a serving plate and serve. Note: The cutlets may be served with any of your favorite sauces to add extra flavour.
So how was the recipe? I hope you liked it because it was a lot of work. As you have seen I have so much to do still concerning our Trini recipes. That’s where I believe you the reader can help. If you like this recipe, tell us in the comments below. We like hearing from our readers.
Trini Cooking has came a long way and still has a lot of unexplored areas that are culinary adventures just waiting to happen. I cannot possibly show every single recipe from our exquisite style of cooking by myself. So, in the same spirit of sharing I invite you to share your recipes on our community for all to see.
See you soon with another recipe that’s all Trini or Trini at heart.
Ah gone 🙂
Tell us which do you like most: the Beef Roulade or Chicken Roulade.
So nice to have you back posting and so many updates and changes. I am in awe of how you keep up with it all. Both the chicken and the beef roulade look very yummy.
Thanks Wizzy for the comment and support. It’s not easy …lots of sleepless nights but it will pay off in the future. Thanks again 🙂
Sir, there is a reason that I opted for arts and humanities, I ain’t that good with math! (lol) I had to do the CAPTCHA 3 times because I kept forgetting whether the higher number comes before the lower number or vice versa when subtracting. Don’t you dare laugh.
I read your opening para about so nice and twice and laughed because my column this week was on twice baked potatoes and the headline stated something like so NICE bake it TWICE 🙂
Like Wizzy said, I am in awe of all that you are able to get done. Meant to comment since the previous roulade post but I got side track.
Really missed you online. We have to catch up by email. Now going and check out the links you have in your previous posts.
Please share my fondness with the family.
Already laughing …with you Cynthia…Somehow there seems to be some universal link between our work. I don’t understand it but it’s there, such that, that there’s always something we’re writing on, or thinking about that’s on the same wavelength. 🙂
Of course all fondness will be shared with the family. Looking forward to a very long email 🙂