This pumpkin ponche de creme is de bomb.….
The last post with the guava wine simply whetted your appetite and now that you’re ready for more, this pumpkin ponche de creme is the perfect drink for a one two knockout …Yeah that puncheon rum will have you wheeling lol 🙂
Talking about knockouts, a few posts ago my wife Germaine was in the cockpit so to speak while I was out Paranging. (Yeah yuh boy play parang lil bit this year) But, after reading her post I must answer her concerning me and alcohoic drinks….Simply put, I can hold my liquour and I know now not to mix them when you are drinking lol!! Personal joke hahaha :)…….
Anyhow, I believe vegetarians can still enjoy a Trini Christmas and enjoy all the festivities and food just like any other person during this time of rejoicing. With this in mind I came across this wonderful recipe for pumpkin ponche de creme from my past principal who was very co-operative in sharing his recipe. Of course, the only way I would want to do a recipe like this is because of how intoxifyi….great it tasted hahaha.
Honestly, this was one time I did not miss the eggs and did not have to worry about the freshness Ugh!! Added to that, I certainly did not have to worry about the calories at all, since this would have been a lot lower than the traditional ponche de crème.
It seems that I may be doing my ponche de crème this way from now on and save my eggs for a cake or something. This is fast becoming a trend of mine lately…looking for cheaper cost effective substitutes while still making delicious food and drinks. Maybe I’ll have to comment on that in another post. But, for now have some pumpkin ponche de crème on the house. Enjoy. (Why yuh smellin de bottle for? It eh have no egg it it. )
Pumpkin Ponche de Creme Recipe
1 lb yellow pumpkin
2 tins condensed milk
1 carton evaporated milk (250ml)
1 1/2 cups puncheon rum
3 tbsp. Angostura aromatic bitters
2 tbsp mixed or vanilla essence
2 tsp grated nutmeg
Wash, peel and boil pumpkin
Add bitters, essence, nutmeg, evaporated milk and condensed milk. Add rum and stir well.
Pour in sterilized bottles and refrigerate. Serve chilled.

Pumpkin Ponche de Creme
- 1 lb yellow pumpkin
- 2 tins condensed milk
- 1 carton evaporated milk 250ml
- 1 1/2 cups puncheon rum
- 3 tbsp. Angostura aromatic bitters
- 2 tbsp mixed or vanilla essence
- 2 tsp grated nutmeg
See how simple it was? I’m sure you would like it….. No freshness; no trying to remember to add lemon rind; not even having to worry about pasteurizing to make sure the eggs are cooked. No worries. Leave a comment for this pumpkin ponche de creme if you like.
Ah gone 🙂
Omg ahh missing trini Christmas boy smh
I wonder if this would taste any differently if left to ‘cure’ for 6 months or so?
Actually like good wine it tastes better with age.
This recipe was excellent.
Do I have to refrigerate? What is the shelf life without refrigeration?
It lasted about a year refrigerated. Well that’s how long we had it until we drank it out lol.
How many bottles will this make?
Approximately 1 1/2 quarts.
Can I substitute the puncheon rum with black label rum?
Any idea the difference between canned pumpkin and cooked down puréed? There seems to be more water in the cooked down but not sure how much different… but I have this can that’s ready to go… and I’m a bit lazy…
I like being lazy too sometimes …Makes me get creative, in a good way, when I cook 🙂 The only difference I can see is that the canned pumpkin wouldn’t be that nutritious compared to the boiled pumpkin.
I made de pumkin punch de creme, it was awesome.
Is it 1lb pumpkin peeled or not peeled
Take a good look at the pictures.
Yes Felix! This came out awesome!! I didn’t realize this was so easy to make. A million thank yous!!
You’re welcome Livie and do come again. 🙂
Hi do you strain the puréed pumpkin and use only the juice extracted or just use the entire purée and add all other ingredients? Thanks
No need to strain the pureed pumpkin.
Hi my husband and I just finished making this…it came out wonderful. Thanks Felix for your help. Enjoy the season and all the best for the new year.
I made pumpkin creme it tasted amazing… But after a week it started separating…(was not in the fridge) So I taught all is well imma jus shake it up..still taste ok. Placed a bottle to get chilled n it tastes funny now… Did I do something wrong?? What caused this?
Well, I think you answered yourself. You didn’t refrigerate it plus I’m wondering if the bottle was sterilized.
can you freeze this pumpkin punch or if I want to sell it in the supermarket can it stay on the shelf without being refrigerated
I’ve never frozen it or try to sell it in any way. It doesn’t last long at home since we usually drink it out.
It’s the best
Well I must say thank you.. Job very very well done.. I absolutely love how you break down everything that you do and how you explain.. Blessings to you always!!