MSG (Monosodium glutamate)

MSG is almost in every fast food we buy.  Have you ever experienced sudden headaches or dizziness after dining out? It might be that what you have just experienced is a classic symptom having eaten food that contains MSG (Monosodium glutamate).

What is Monosodium Glutamate?

There are many things, additives, we place in our food that are not good. One of these is MSG (Monosodium glutamate). It is everywhere, in many commercially packaged items and even fast food. You just have to read the labels carefully. Sometimes it is listed as MSG or Monosodium glutamate or come with some ingredients such as, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, Accent, natural meat tenderizer, and Aginomoto.

Monosodium Glutamate is a naturally occurring product, salt of glutamic acid, one of the 20-some amino acids that make up protein. The glutamic acid occurs naturally in tomatoes, Parmesan cheese, and mushrooms.



The Addictiveness of MSG

The manufactured additive is commonly used in concentrated form to bring out and enhance flavors in many dishes. But, MSG has no flavor, it excites your taste sensors, and elevate the flavor of the dish so it seems to taste better. My experience of it is that this elevated taste can persist if you continually use it in your food or if you buy a lot of food with it.

You therefore become accustomed to tasting food in such an elevated manner that food that do not contain MSG, will then tend to taste almost bland. Obviously, it is interfering with the hypothalamus that regulate appetite and brain cell functions.


Much studies have been done using Monosodium glutamate or to find out the effect of its use. The more well known studies are the studies that are conducted injecting it into rats to make them obese. These MSG-treated rats are the test subjects in diabetes and diet research.  MSG triples the amount of insulin produced in these rats, causing them to become obese. They also showed decreased leptin sensitivity, hyperinsulinemia, and tissue insulin resistance. These symptoms could also occur in humans.

Side Effect of MSG

Studies also indicated a number of side effect that can be derived from consuming the manufactured additive (Monosodium Glutamate). The list can be long, they are: numbness, rapid heartbeat, tingling, dizziness, migraine headaches in sensitive individuals, burning sensation in the back of neck/forearm/chest, numbness in back of neck and radiating to arms and back, tingling, warmth and weakness in the face/temples/upper back/neck and arms, facial pressure or tightness, chest pain, headache, nausea, rapid heartbeat, bronchiospasm in MSG-intolerant people with asthma, drowsiness, and weakness. It can also cause other reaction such as: irritability, depression, hyperactivity in children, neurologica disturbances. can contribute to inflammation of the esophagus. However, experts disagree with the amount that could cause these reactions.

Avoiding MSG

How well can we avoid it. They are in almost everything we eat, such as yeast extract, sodium casinate (a dairy substitute), textured vegetables protein always contain MSG, some soy sauce, soy protein, barley malt, carrageenan, pectin, bouillon cubes, stock, broth, seasonings,etc. However, labeling laws are not consistent in all countries. And some manufacturers do not list contents of ingredients; so it may be concealed in dozens of commonly used additives found in many processed foods. Read labels carefully. And the next time you dine out, you may suggest that no MSG be placed in your food.

Here’s what Dr. Bellonzi had to say about MSG.

The Truth about MSG

The Truth about Monosodium Glutamate Clinical Nutrition is featured by Dr. Bellonzi’s from the website at

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1 thought on “MSG (Monosodium glutamate)”

  1. Great article..MSG is being used in the processed foods rampantly.
    read your aloe vera post too.
    I eat fresh aloe pulp daily in the morning n it’s very good.

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