Even though I have been very busy these last few weeks, I just had to enjoy my Jouvert this carnival. I took some time off to enjoy myself and of course had camera in hand to capture the moment. By 3:00 a.m. Carnival Monday I was up and about ready for Jouvert once again. Instead of traveling the same route as last year’s (Acono) I decided to capture Jouvert from another village ( Lluengo) i.e. The same village known for it’s famed Morang River.
Learning from my mistakes last year I made sure to wear older clothes because “yuh cah play mas if yuh ‘fraid powder” so I knew what to expect. This time I came home with even more paint and mud, but it was all fun. 🙂
So, here are some photographs of J’ouvert 2010 celebrations in my hometown Maracas Valley.

The sun is up now and the Jouvert bands cross the judging point. And again the crowd favourite “Palance” was playing again. I think every band that entered the competition had that song playing at sometime during their presentation. And of course doing the dance to go with it!
Ok the fun doesn’t have to end here. So why don’t you go over to my facebook fanpage and continue the fun. And to all my Maracas people, tag away LOL !!! 😀