Best Way: How to Make a Swizzle Stick

Are you interested in learning how to make a Swizzle Stick?  Today, you will learn how to make one  with some material you may have right in your garage.

A Trini Swizzle Stick

Making a swizzle stick is very easy and in no time you can make one and start to swizzle your milk or callaloo by hand trinistyle. So let’s get to it.

You will need:

  1. A pair of pliers
  2. 1 stick or dowel 12″ x 1/2″ ( preferably white pine)
  3. And some galvanised iron wire BWG 18 (we commonly call this wire cutlass [machete] wire)

The materials needed.

Lets begin:

How To Make a Swizzle Stick

On one end of the stick, measure and mark off 2 1/2″. Next, coil the wire around the stick from that mark to the end of the stick. 

You will be making three coils this way.

Do this three time.  Remove from the stick carefully.

Cut another piece of wire 4″ long and place a wire inside of each coil.

Next, twist the end of the wire once, just to hold it in place.

Using the pliers, tighten the wire around the stick.

Cut off the ends…

and bend it inwards.

how to make a swizzle stick

Fix the coil around the stick and make sure the coils are evenly spaced.

The ends of the coils must be unnoticeable.

Here is the finished swizzle stick in action swizzling some milk.

See how easy that was. I hope you enjoy making your swizzle stick. See you soon. Bye!

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