Fever grass or lemongrass tea is a popular herbal tea in Trinidad and Tobago, just like the Fever grass itself. Fever Grass is also known as Lemon grass (scientific name of “cymbopogon citratus“). It grows in thick clumps that could span from 4 feet in width and grow as tall as 6 feet. The leaves are continually green and blade-like and have a beautiful aroma that reminds you of lemon juice.
The Benefits of Fever Grass or Lemongrass Tea
Fever Grass is mostly used for relieving colds, fever, and coughs. It is also used to treat athlete’s foot, asthma, bladder disorders, menstrual cramps, nausea. It is a good detoxifier and diuretic, and relieves headaches as well. It is also used as an insect repellent. Another species of the lemon grass is used in cooking in Asia as a flavoring of food. However, the outer leaves are removed and the grayish green stalks of the the plant are retained for cooking. The Lemon Grass is removed after the food is cooked.
A clump of Fever Grass that grows in my backyard.
My backyard pharmacy perhaps! 🙂
Growing Fever Grass or Lemongrass
If you wish to grow your own Fever Grass there are a number of things you need to note:
- Plant your fever grass in fertile loam;
- It grows best in moist soil;
- It requires bright sun, but will grow in a light shade;
- It can suffer leaf damage from winter;
- It can be grown in beds, tubs, and containers; and
- It also makes a a good addition to gardens and walkways.
Making the Fever Grass or Lemongrass Tea
Care should be taken though when you are handling Fever Grass; the blades can cut you. Anyway, I had some fever grass tea to also combat the cold together with the Zebapique; the classic Trini one, two punch to knock out a cold. While you enjoy this Fever Grass tea you can keep in mind that it is low in fat, but has some quantities of Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, thiamin, and copper . Here’s Fever Grass (or Lemongrass) tea.
Fever grass or Lemongrass Tea Recipe

1 blade fever grass
1 cup water
Sugar to taste
My fever grass plant is next to two other popular plants:
Topi Tambo and Turmeric (Hardi)
Can you tell which is which?
Two blades of Fever Grass.
Place in water to boil over low heat.
The flavor seeps into the water very quickly.
Allow to boil for 3 minutes and remove from flame.
Remove the grass and sweeten according to taste.
That’s it. Enjoy your fever grass or lemongrass tea.
Can you please tell me where can I get a zebapique plant
Thank you june
Don’t know.