Handling Stress
In life we are faced with many challenges which we have to overcome; mostly by developing healthy and responsible methods of handling stress.
For want of a nail, the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe, the horse was lost.
For want of the horse, the rider was lost.
For want of the rider, the message was lost.
For want of the message, the battle was lost.
For want of the battle, the war was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail. Proverbial rhyme
People cope and deal with everyday stressful situations or problems according to their temperaments. Their temperament determines their fight or flight response. As seen in the proverb of the nail, little actions can lead to large consequences; so too I believe that little stresses in life can lead to larger problems.
10 Methods to Handling Stress
With this in mind here are ten methods you can use for handling stress and avoiding future larger problems:
- Develop your faith. Faith can help you sustain in times of trouble. Find a place where you can also pray: prayers help you grow in faith.
- Engage in physical activity. Physical activity can provide you with the time to revitalize after a stressful incident. Also, some physical activities, such as boxing and martial arts, can help you release negative emotions.
- Develop a healthy balance between selfishness and selflessness. You would therefore have a better view about yourself, your abilities, and your place in the many relationships you are a part of.
- Be thankful for the things you have. It is more productive concentrating on love, health, family, friends, work, and the joys of nature.
- Stop yourself from thinking negative thoughts. Repeated negative thoughts are damaging to your self-esteem. Calling yourself “a loser” can do little to uplift you. Turn of these unwanted messages. Instead, think happy thoughts or a time that brought you utmost joy and happiness.
- Arrange your environment in such a way to reduce stress. Remove clutter from your room, a simple clean room can help you clear your mind and develop a positive perspective.
- Adopt new hobbies and ways to release frustration and stress. Writing poetry, reading books, reading comic books, and listening to peaceful music, such as classical music, can offer brief breaks away from stressful routines and problems.
- Work with dealing with small changes at a time. By the inch, it is a cinch; by the yard, it is hard.
- Find time to laugh. Share a joke with family and friends, read a funny book, or watch a good comedy.
- Have a confidant you can talk your problems with. Finally, when all else fail, seek out a good listening ear, someone you can trust with your deepest problems and secrets.

Here are some books you might want to read to develop your skills in handling stress.
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Hi! I just read your article and was happy you referred to the fruits of the spirit because I truly believe that knowledge is needed for us to really make a change. Thank you for your insight!