This post on pommecythere (golden apple) kuchela could be summed up in one word HOT!! But then that would defeat my purpose for writing. So other than hot, which is a good word, Kuchela is indeed a wonderful side to any dish you want to add some spiciness to. For me I like to have kuchela with pelau, mixed rice or rice and dhal. Then too, if you’re bored with the normal tastes you could also do like me and have some kuchela and CRIX or hops bread and kuchela yummy!
Pommecythere (Golden Apple) Kuchela Recipe
This pommecythere kuchela recipe is no different from the mango kuchela other than I’m using green pommecythere or golden apple instead of green mango. What I’ve realised in making this kuchela is that you just have to look out for what we call “the strings”in the pommecythere. The strings can be annoying if it gets stuck between your teeth or bruises your gums. There are four running down the sides of the pommecythere, once you get rid of those you’re good to go.
Oh and another point to note also, when you’re dipping out the kuchela, use a clean spoon everytime. If you don’t, this could introduce spores and cause the kuchela to spoil. Anyhow, without further ado, here’s pommecythere kuchela.
11 pommecythere (golden apples)
1 head garlic
pepper sauce to taste or 2 hot peppers, chopped
2 tablespoons salt
½ cup amchar masala
4 tablespoons oil

Here you can see the strings on pommecythere running down the sides. Wash and grate the pommecythere using the side of the grater shown here
Afterward put the grated pommecythere in a cloth and squeeze out the excess water.
Clean and blend the garlic but set aside two cloves for frying later.
Add the cup of amchar masala to the pommecythere and mix thoroughly.
Then add the garlic, salt and pepper sauce or pepper.
Heat the oil over a medium flame. Then add the remaining two chopped garlic cloves and let fry for about a minute. Add the pommecythere and let cook until tender.
Stir the pot occasionally to avoid burning. This is the finished pommecythere kuchela.
Adjust pepper and salt if necessary, though I hardly doubt it 🙂
I hope you enjoy this pommecythere kuchela recipe. Actually I like this pommecythere kuchela so much that I had some with potato salad and all 🙂
And before I go, for this Music Monday I happened to post Rembunction’s fun video about Roti and Kuchela. You can take a look. Great song, have fun watching! Ah gone.
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